The Versatility Of Leather Jackets

Are you considering purchasing a new jacket or coat? Before you start looking around at various selections of fabrics, consider leather. The extreme versatility of leather jackets is just one of the characteristics responsible for leather coats’ and jackets’ superiority over others.

But exactly what is it that makes them so very versatile? If only we had the time to sing all the praises of leather jackets and their versatility! But we don't. Instead, we'll pick out some high points as to the reasons why leather jackets are so desirable.

The Layered Look

When it comes to supporting the much sought after "layered look", few things work as nicely as leather jackets. To create a distinct, dynamic appearance, you can wear your leather jacket under something else. More often, however, over a vast array of garments, leather jackets are added as a top layer. Experiment with colors for the best effect.

They’re Like a Fine Wine

With age, your leather jacket will look better and better. Consider conditioning it every few months, however, to keep it supple, hydrated, and better resistant to soil, spills, water, etc. Yes, your leather jacket will look stunning, right off the rack. Make no mistake. But as it ages, its appearance will actually be enhanced. What other coat or jacket can say that?


There are any number of customizations available for today's leather jackets. You might want to go with something plain, elegant, and dressy. On the other hand, you may want as many zippers, buckles, metal buttons, and more as possible. Are you an odd size? You can even get custom sizing for any number of leather jacket brands.

Easy Care

As mentioned earlier, conditioning is recommended every few months. You can use saddle soap or some other leather conditioning product. This way, when you get a slight blemish or stain, with a damp rag (and possibly a dash of soap), as long as the stain hasn't set, it should come out easily.

It's Just Right

Just like in the Goldilocks story, many people find that their leather jacket offers a level of warmth that is "just right". This is particularly applicable if you go with a leather jacket that has a removable liner. Vents will also make your leather jacket more versatile, even in warm weather.

Never Needs Ironing

The wrinkle resistant qualities of leather jackets make them irresistible. Especially if you compare them to other fabrics, they are practically wrinkle free! Any creases or wrinkles that do appear simply increase the character of the jacket.


There is an undeniable timeless style to a leather jacket. Numerous fashion trends come and go – not so with leather jackets. They’ve been around this long for a reason – and they will continue to be around for centuries to come. Let any singular fashion style say that!

Easy Mix and Match

Depending on the style of your leather jacket, you can wear it with practically anything. Today's leather suit coats and long coats are even appropriate for formalwear.

Throw your leather jacket on with jeans and a T-shirt to run an errand, or pair it with a button-down dress shirt and dress slacks/khakis for work.

Looking for a Versatile Leather Jacket? Check out Taylor's Leatherwear

Though most leather jackets are versatile in nature, some styles go better with certain personalities, body types, events, and/or outfits. For that very reason, we have a variety of styles to choose from. We have bombers, police jackets, long coats, vintage wear, and more. When you're looking for a leather jacket, before you search elsewhere, see what we have in stock.

Don't forget to check out our Closeout Selections page if you're on a strict budget. Just because you don't have as much to spend doesn't mean you should short yourself the pleasure of wearing leather!

 Shop Taylor's Leatherwear today!